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Drs. Brent and Sarah Wagner

Sarah graduated from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in 2001. She has been working at a small animal practice in Saskatoon for about 16 years. Brent recently retired after over 30 years of research, diagnostics and teaching veterinary parasitology at the WCVM. In 2003 Brent and Sarah spent 6 months in Mongolia volunteering with CVM. In 2019-2020 they travelled, along with their 2 daughters, on an around the world trek which took them to 16 countries. This included a 2 week stop in Mongolia to revisit the people met years earlier. The Wagners have been active in student ministry with CVM in Saskatoon for many years and Brent served on the Board of Directors. Besides 2 daughters there is 1 dog, 3 cats and 8 homing pigeons that keep life exciting.