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Drs. Beau and Bethany Schilling

Beau Schilling, DVM, MS and Bethany Schilling, DVM, MA celebrate 14 years of marriage this year. 

Beau practices small animal medicine and Bethany teaches at TTU SVM.  They have 3 children ages 5 to 11.  They both grew up in different regions of rural Texas.  Beau's faith became real to him during graduate school in 2005 in a true desert experience.  It is his joy to testify of the power of God in his life and his family’s life, to call out the evil one, and to encourage his brothers and sisters to be in scripture. 

Bethany has had to pivot many times in her life and career.  From mixed animal practice to clinical teaching at Texas A&M SA VMTH to small animal private practice/partnership to now teaching at Texas Tech University School of Veterinary Medicine.  As one of the founding faculty, she has witnessed much transformation. While she loves teaching, her true heart beats for mentoring and discipling the next generation of veterinarians and believers.