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Drs. Aric and Toni Brandt

Aric ('05) and Toni Brandt ('07), born in Nebraska, met through Kansas State CVMF and were married in Manhattan, KS in 2005 and are parents of Zane (14 yrs), Caliber (13 yrs) and Graysha (11 yrs).  They are celebrating their 2nd year owning a small animal veterinary practice in Southeast Nebraska.  Starting in 2019, Toni began a mobile large animal practice in rural Arkansas that was closed in early 2022.  They have served as associates together and independently in several practices in Arkansas and Nebraska since 2007.  Currently Toni homeschools 2 children, practices part-time, and loves to remodel the facility, while Aric is learning how to lead the team, manage finances, and optimize the caseload.  The family enjoys being outdoors maintaining the family acreage, raising a garden and animals, running, and floating scenic rivers.