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Dr. Sharon Grace

Dr. Sharon Grace is a native Mississippian and faculty member at the Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine.  Since childhood, she has had an abiding affection for cats, an interest which helped shape her career path. 

She received a B.S. from the University of Missouri, a Master of. Agriculture degree from Texas Tech, followed by the M.S. and D.V.M. degrees from Mississippi State University.  She is board certified by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.  In 1992, she established a small animal referral practice in Franklin, TN and returned to the faculty of Mississippi State in 1999.

In 2004, Dr. Grace was recognized by MSU as the CVM Alumna of the Year.  She received the Dean’s Award for Service in 2009 and the Dean’s Award for Teaching in 2004, 2015 and 2020.  In 2022, she received the Superior Teaching Award from the Mississippi State University Division of Agriculture, Forestry, and Veterinary Medicine.

In 2009, she established the “Safe Haven for Pets” program at MSU and began a partnership with Care Lodge Domestic Violence Shelter in Meridian, MS to provide boarding and medical care for pets of families entering the shelter.  A generous donation in 2020 allowed expansion of this program to include six domestic violence shelters in Mississippi.  Since its inception, this program has been totally self-sustaining through donations and grants and has provided over 5,000 days of shelter and care to pets from homes experiencing domestic violence.

She is active in Christian ministry and is a member of the Kairos International Prison Ministry program, serving incarcerated young men at the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility in Pearl, MS.  Her home church is Hinds Independent Methodist Church in Raymond, Mississippi.