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Dr. Mack Boyd

Dr. Mack Boyd is a native of Navarro County, Texas and graduated with his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Texas A&M in 1983. He has been in mixed practice in Ennis, Texas for many years but his 6 doctor practice has moved to 100% small animal recently. He and his wife Molly have been married for 37 years and have 2 kids and 1 perfect granddaughter. In his spare time, he manages their 500-acre family farm, where they have about 100 head of Angus/Brangus cows. Dr. Mack enjoys photography, hunting, fishing and volunteering annually as a trail veterinarian for the Iditarod Sled Dog race in Alaska. For many years he has enjoyed sharing his veterinary skills and knowledge with impoverished people around the world through CVM short-term mission trips. He is passionate about sharing accounts of the impact that can be seen through short-term missions.