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Dr. Jordan (Linahan) Clark and Curtis Clark

Jordan: Raised in Hahira, Georgia on a horse farm, Dr. Jordan (Linahan) Clark attended the University of Georgia (GoDawgs!) for veterinary school and graduated in 2020. She now lives in Lakeside, Arizona working as a veterinarian at Blue Ridge Pet Clinic, practicing primarily small animal medicine. Christian Veterinary Mission has been an integral part of her veterinary journey and led her to do missions on the Apache and Navajo reservations. She now lives near the White Mountain Apache Tribe and does ministry alongside her husband Curtis and daughter Hannalin. In their free time they love to enjoy the outdoors with their two beloved res dog rescues! Email: 

Curtis: Having heard of Apache Youth Ministries while attending Milligan College, Curtis moved to Arizona in 2017. He served as an intern for a year, and once his internship was done he accepted the position of youth pastor with White Mountain Apache Christian Church. Curtis was able to connect to many of the students in the community while he taught for the Whiteriver Unified School District for 6 years. He and his wife Jordan, who he met on a mission trip in Whiteriver, enjoy serving the Apache people in the ways God has equipped them. Curtis transitioned from being a full time teacher to the role of Executive Director of AYM in 2023. Email: