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Dr. Corey and Kaethe Gallagher

Dr. Corey and Kaethe Gallagher have a son, daughter and daughter-in-law. They have lived in Ohio, New York, St. Kitts, Iowa, and eventually back in Wisconsin. Corey earned a BS in Chemistry from U of M in 1996 and graduated from Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine in 2010. They both came to Christ while Corey was in vet school and took their first short-term trip to Nicaragua in 2010. In 2011 they purchased a small animal clinic back near Corey’s hometown in Wisconsin and Kaethe became the office manager. Corey and Kaethe led and participated in numerous short-term trips with their two children to Nicaragua, Ghana, and Honduras.   They are currently in the deputation process to serve as long term missionaries in Honduras and are hoping to be in the field by the summer of 2025.