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Dr. Clay Ashley

Dr. Clay Ashley is married to Tracy Ashley and has two daughters, Maiya and Jade.  He graduated from Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine in 1991.  He worked in private practice as a mixed animal veterinarian in two different high quality mixed animal practices in the states of Texas and Washington.  In between his two stints in private practice, Dr. Ashley served as a Captain in the U.S. Air Force as a Military Public Health Officer stationed at McChord Air Force Base, Washington.  In 2000, Dr. Ashley, his wife Tracy, and daughter Maiya moved to Mongolia with Christian Veterinary Mission to serve as field workers with Vet Net Mongolia.  They lived there 3 years.  During their time in Mongolia, they added Jade to their family.  In 2003, the Ashleys moved to China as CVM fieldworkers.  During their time in China, they worked with an Australian group to start a beef cattle ranch in a southern Chinese province.  In 2008, the Ashleys returned to the U.S..  In 2009, Dr. Ashley started his career with Texas A&M University as Director of the Vet Med Park, a large animal research facility in the College of Veterinary Medicine.  Dr. Ashley served on the board of Christian Veterinary Mission from 2016-2020.  In 2019, Dr. Ashley became the Associate Executive Director of the Texas A&M Comparative Medicine Program where he works with a great team of laboratory animal veterinarians, technicians, and staff.