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Dr. Cindy Cloud

Dr. Cloud grew up in a military family in San Antonio, TX. She was involved in the FFA during high school where she participated in leadership competitions and showed livestock. During high school and college she worked for a veterinarian in San Antonio. She graduated from Tarleton State University with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science in 1996. She received a Master of Science in Animal Science from Texas A&M University. She traveled the world during her graduate work and was able to visit wonderful countries such as New Zealand, Australia and Japan. In 2005, Dr. Cloud graduated from Texas A&M with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. She practiced in San Antonio, TX before moving to Lubbock in 2009. Her interest in complementary medicine spurred her to receive her certification in canine rehabilitation (CCRP) from the University of Tennessee. Dr. Cloud believes that knowledge is power and strives to share that with her clients.?Dr. Cloud is married to Caleb Heatwole and they have three children, Harrison (16) Luke (14) and Grace (13). The Heatwole also have three dogs, Dutch (Schnauzer), Sam (Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier), and Addie Blue (a recovering paralyzed Dachshund). The Heatwoles also sponsor three children through Compassion International ( When she isn’t practicing medicine she is involved in the children’s ministry at church. She also enjoys traveling, cooking and reading.