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Dr. Christiane Orsini

Dr. Christiane Orsini is a 2014 graduate from the Ontario Veterinary College. Upon graduation, Dr. Orsini did locum work in Southwestern Ontario and GTA regions. She has experience in emergency and general medicine as well as clinical acupuncture. Dr. Orsini has a keen interest in integrative veterinary medicine and has her acupuncture certification from CIVT (College of Integrative Therapies) and has completed courses in Chinese Herbal Medicine and Integrative Canine Rehabilitation (also from CIVT). Long term, Dr. Orsini is looking forward to studying animal osteopathy from the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy in Hamilton and completing her Tui Na massage certification from the Chi Institute in Florida. She currently works as a veterinary telemedicine specialist for Smart.Vet Virtual Pet Care in Ontario. Dr. Orsini is blessed to be able to support the veterinary community and pet population at large by increasing access to care for patients in Ontario through telemedicine services. She resides in Guelph with her family. In her spare time, she enjoys writing worship songs and poetry, playing guitar, piano and drums, reading, hiking, playing squash, swimming, and spending time with family.