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Amber Pierce

Amber Pierce is from Dallas, Texas and graduated from UAM in Monticello, Arkansas with her BS in Animal Science and Plant and Soil Science. She has been a vet tech for 11 years and is currently working towards her LVT. Amber started in general practice and found her way into emergency medicine, where she ultimately found her niche.  She has a passion for critical care ICU and teaching others the skills required for these patients. Amber attends Lavon Drive Baptist Church in Garland, Texas. Her free time is spent with her husband Garrett, and their 3 year old son Parker Rowdy. Amber Pierce is from Dallas, Texas and graduated from UAM in Monticello, Arkansas with her BS in Animal Science and Plant and Soil Science. She has been a vet tech for 11 years and is currently working towards her LVT. Amber started in general practice and found her way into emergency medicine, where she ultimately found her niche.  She has a passion for critical care ICU and teaching others the skills required for these patients. Amber attends Lavon Drive Baptist Church in Garland, Texas. Her free time is spent with her husband Garrett, and their 3 year old son Parker Rowdy.