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Vets, Vet techs, students are welcome to join us as we support our local partner, Veterinarians with a Mission Programme, for this short-term missions opportunity in Lodwar, Kenya. Space is extremely limited, so sign up now!

The trip involves a combination of veterinary work and evangelism. Visit the homes of local families to build relationships, sing songs, learn about some of their challenges and successes, and pray for the community. You will also be spending two days on a safari at the famous Maasai Mara National Park!

Dates: September 5-17, 2024

Trip Cost: $2,280 (not including international airfare)

Vet Work: Livestock treatments, vaccinations, neuters, examining sick animals, and conducting basic trainings in veterinary medicine

Ministry Work: Open air preaching and teaching opportunities, door-to-door evangelism, individual evangelism, visiting neighboring churches and schools for ministry

Additional Details: Volunteers will stay in a guesthouse or other lodging. You will also spend two days on a safari in Maasai Mara National Park.

Maximum Team Size: 8. Vets, 2-4 Vet Techs and/or Vet Students