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Travel with Dr. Jay Warford on this mission trip to Olanchito, Honduras to partner with Pastor Dario Delarca! Depending on size, the larger team will split into three groups: a large animal team, small animal team and a ministry team. Pre-Vet and Vet students are encouraged to rotate through and experience all the groups. Local ministers will partner with us in praying and ministering to the community members as they wait for veterinary care.

Availability for non-vets and spouses to join this team as well, as there will be the chance to minister to local children in the villages! There is a possible chance to partner with and mentor Honduran vet students as well!

Trip Leader: Dr. Jay Warford

Local Partner: Pastor Dario Delarca

Dates: December 12-21, 2024

Vet Work: Large and small animal work. Work can include vaccinations, parasite control, and sterilization surgeries dealing with cattle, horses, swine, goats, dogs, cats, rabbits, poultry.

Ministry Work: Assist local pastor, Pastor Dario, with outreach to villages around Olanchito through veterinary work; opportunities for evangelism at every site. Ministry opportunities to children in the communities as well!

Max Group Size: 20; at least 4-5 vets (at least 1 large animal) with the remainder being vet techs and vet students; Spouses and family of are welcome and encouraged to come as well.

Cost: $1,210 (does not include international airfare)