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If you have a desire to serve in Brazil, we might have the opportunity for you! We are looking for small- and large- animal Vets, Vet Techs, and Vet Students to travel with us to Foz do Iguacu, Brazil as we support a local partner in this region on the border of Argentina and Paraguay.

At this point, we need 3-4 DVMs to complete the roster. All other spots are full.

This team will be lead by Dr. Maribel Nelson, a native Brazilian who is passionate about seeing the love of Christ spread throughout this low-access area. The trip involves a combination of veterinary work and evangelism. Visit the homes of local families to build relationships, learn about some of their challenges and successes, and pray for the community. You will also be spending some time seeing the largest set of waterfalls in the world, Iguazu Falls!

Come prepared to serve the people of Brazil and be a part of this fantastic team. 
If you are interested in serving, please click "Express Interest" today!

Dates: May 30 - June 8, 2024

Local Partner: Faculdade Uniguacu and Baptist Church Boa Esperanca - Sao Miguel do Iguacu - Parana

Vet Work: Support local communities through both small and large animal clinics and surgeries at the new teaching vet hospital. You will teach and exchange knowledge and experience with vet students and local veterinarians and vet school professors.

Ministry Work: The veterinary work also provides opportunities to share the Gospel and build relationships to help the local church to establishment a Christian college club, developing relationships and prayers meeting with students from all courses offered at the Uniguacu campus. Also, this project includes a community outreach through kids games and activities in local public school and indigenous community school. This portion of the project also engages education and exercise science students.

Number Needed: 6 DVMs, 6 Vet Techs and/or Vet Students;15 members maximum; Non-vet volunteers are permitted if space allows (preferably ministry volunteers to work with local pastors); Children are not allowed.

Event Cost: $850 (airfare to and from Foz do Iguacu, Brazil not included)

Additional Information: Starting a college ministry is one the goals.

We will stay the first nights in a hotel in Foz do Iguazu to know more the culture and the area, then the team will stay in improvised rooms at campus located in Sao Miguel do Iguazu. Be ready to visit the largest set of waterfalls in the world, the Iguazu Falls, have a cultural show presentation and enjoy the south Brazil hospitality! The semicircular waterfall at the heart of this site is some 80 m high and 2,700 m in diameter and is situated on a basaltic line spanning the border between Argentina and Brazil. Visit the three borders landmark where Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay connects. We also will have the opportunity to visit one of the largest bird parks in Latin America, the Integrated Conservation Center for Birds of the Atlantic Forest.