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Dr. S & R

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Who We Are

Dr. S and R have both felt the call to international mission work since they were younger. It was one of the things that drew them closer to each other when they met. S received her bachelor of science in Animal Science and her doctorate of veterinary medicine from the University of Tennessee. She has been practicing as a small animal emergency clinician for the past several years of her career. Her career was what led her to Virginia where she met R. R received his bachelor of science degree in Electrical Engineering and his masters degree in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina State University and has been working in overhaul engineering at a shipyard. S and R have been on multiple mission trips in the past through different churches and Christian organizations. S first connected with CVM in vet school on three short-term mission trips before COVID delayed further travels. Once S and R were married, S introduced R to CVM as they considered long-term field work. After 1.5 years of prayer and seeking the Lord’s will for their lives, God led them to Asia, where they plan to serve the Lord and His people.

Our Work

S will be working in the small animal clinic as their foreign animal advisor. She will be assisting with cases and implementing training for the veterinarians in the internship program. S plans on reaching out and building rapport with the local veterinary school students and faculty advisors. R will be overseeing the building of the new large animal teaching facility and clinic nearby. Together, they will be involved with a local church. Over the summers, they will be traveling to the countryside to teach English and perform some training on small animal medical procedures/husbandry/techniques. With each avenue that they are presented with, there will be opportunities to share the gospel. However, their main focus will be discipleship of the current veterinarians they work with through their ministry partner. There are many new Christians that work there that will greatly benefit from good mentorship and discipleship so that they can be strong enough to share their faith with others in their country in their native language. Together, their goal is to focus on sharing God’s love through teaching and ministry to the veterinarians, staff, local church members, and countryside unreached people groups in Asia.

Our Partner

R and S will be working with V.E.T. Net, a national NGO. V.E.T. Net works to train veterinary professionals through their continuing education conferences and internship programs. They also work heavily in the countryside during the summer time by providing several teaching services (English, Reading, Math, Grammar, etc.) to all age groups and the Gift of Love program, where they provide a goat to a family in need selected by the community partner.

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