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Dr. N

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Who I Am

Dr. N was born to a Thai mother and American father in Lawton, Oklahoma. She was baptized with her mom when she was 15 years old. She was inspired to pursue missions through a campus ministry at Oklahoma State University where she received a Bachelors degree. Led by the Lord, she then attended Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and got to know CVM. She struggled with the desire to serve in long-term missions and pursue veterinary medicine. Through CVM and a vet school classmate she learned there is a vital place for veterinarians in missions! Currently she is practicing mixed animal veterinary medicine in western Ohio and learning as much as she can before being sent overseas.

My Work

Dr. N will be working with the ECHO Asia Impact Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand. N. will be the Livestock Technical Advisor; in this role, she will be training farmers and staff at ECHO Asia in livestock health practices and advising livestock feed and forage research. 

My Partner

ECHO is an agricultural missions organization that serves around the world to help impoverished communities improve agricultural practices. The Asia Impact Center does small scale farm research, keeps a seed bank, and trains farmers in new farming techniques. The Asia Impact Center does trainings in Thailand and in other Southeast Asian countries.

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