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Dr. Robert Vliestra

Biography for Robert Vlietstra

Robert Vlietstra taught Geology and Biology from 1974-1976. He completed an additional BS degree in Animal Science (1978), the DVM degree (1982), and a PhD (2019, Reproductive Physiology, Dept of Animal Science) from Michigan State University. Bob completed the Dairy Health Management Certificate Program (10/95-6/98) and the Statistical Analysis in Production Medicine course in 2001, both offered by MSU CVM.

Bob worked as a ‘resident farm veterinarian’ in Lexington, Kentucky after completing the DVM curriculum. He was an associate veterinarian in LaGrange, Indiana, as he worked his way back to west Michigan. In August of 1983, he began a 10-year stint as a solo practitioner in the Zeeland, Michigan area. In 1993, Dr. Bob merged his practice with a neighboring established practice that began West Michigan Veterinary Service. His professional interest has been dairy production medicine with a concentration in theriogenology and nutrition. He was awarded the MSU-CVM Production Medicine “Birth of a Purebred” Practitioner of the Year award in 2003. He has held membership in AVMA, MVMA, WMVMA, AABP, DCRC, SFT, and ADSA.

Since retirement from clinical practice (12/2018) and from teaching (ANS & CVM, 2022), Dr. Vlietstra has maintained his connection to ANS graduate students as a research group member/mentor. He currently holds the position of ‘Chief Volunteer’ at his grandson’s Forest School kindergarten class in Holland, Michigan.

Dr. Bob was a member of a team that began the Gulu Uganda Country Dairy farm project in Gulu, Uganda, East Africa. He was a practicing partner in the Northern Uganda Veterinary Service practice with Dr. Tonny Kidega.

Bob and his wife, Liz have three adult children; Andrew (1983-2020), Betsy (1985), Anago Suzan (“adopted” 2015); two son-in-law (Scott & Kidega Tonny), and three grandchildren: Samuel Robert (USA), and Kayla Elizabeth & Kyle Robert (Africa). He enjoys most outdoor activities, especially trout, salmon, and walleye fishing. He is the host Geologist in a support group for farmers who display rocks in their landscaping. Bob and Liz are actively involved in their church in Holland, Michigan.