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Dr. Lee Ann Berglund-Fosdick

Lee Ann Berglund-Fosdick, DVM, PhD was on her way to a career in Pharmacology Research when she dedicated her life to Jesus and let God take control.  It has been a wild ride ever since!  She went on her first mission trip to Mongolia while in Vet School and discovered that, with God, she had something to offer to the world. God eventually led her to her heart place on earth when she stepped onto Haitian soil and felt like she had come home.  For the past 7 years, she has commuted between teaching at AgHorizon Veterinary Training Center in Haiti and Michigan.  When she is in Michigan, she lives in Fowlerville with her husband, Mark, and a hobby farm that includes goats, hogs, chickens, and a sizeable garden.  She has been blessed to work at Howell Animal Hospital where the management has supported her on her wild life commuting for God.