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Professional Devotionals

It is important to grow in your faith and walk with Christ as an individual and as a PCVF group. We have put together some devotional series to guide you deeper into God's Word. 

The Light Devotional

This devotional was created by CVM Staff around 2023’s annual theme “The Light." This year we focused on the John 1, especially John 1:5 about The Light shining in the darkness.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Transformed Devotional

This devotional was created by CVM Staff around 2022’s annual theme “Transformed." This year we focused on the whole chapter of Romans 12 and God's instructions to us through the Apostle Paul.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grace Devotional

This devotional was created by CVM Staff around 2021’s annual theme “Grace”. This year we focused on Acts 20:24 and understanding the Wonderful Grace of God.

Rooted Devotional

This devotional was created by CVM Staff around 2020’s annual theme “Rooted”. This year we focused on Ephesians 3:17-18 and what it looks like to be rooted in Christ.”

Strong and Courageous Devotional

This devotional was created by CVM staff around 2019’s annual theme, “Strong & Courageous.”  This year we focus on Joshua 1:9 and what this looks like to not to live life of fear, but instead to walk in strength and courage for God is with you!

Hope Devotional

This devotional was created by CVM around 2018’s annual theme, “Hope.” This year we focus on Hebrews 6:19 and what is looks like to live and walk in true Hope.

Peace Devotional

This devotional was created by CVM staff around 2017’s annual theme, “PEACE.” This year we focus on Isaiah 52:7 and what is looks like to proclaim peace.

Joy Devotional

This devotional was created to celebrate CVM’s 40th anniversary. This year, focus with us on, Philippians 4:4 and “Joy” through various circumstances.

Draw Near Devotional

This devotional was created by CVM around 2016’s annual theme, “Draw Near.” This year we focus on Hebrews 4:16 and what it looks like to draw near to the throne.