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Dr. Rebecca Quam

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Who I Am

Using veterinary skills for missions has been something Rebecca has wanted to do ever since high school. Her love for South Africa then developed during a biology research trip there during the summer after her first year at Hillsdale College. Once she had completed her veterinary degree at the University of Glasgow Rebecca came home and worked in a small animal practice for 7 years and helped with CVM's Real Life Real Impact conferences before feeling led to return to South Africa full-time with CVM for 9 years.

My Work

During her time in South Africa, Dr. Quam served in student ministry at North-West University in Mahikeng. She taught final-year Animal Health Technician students in the practical aspects of veterinary medicine, but was also involved in lecturing, vaccine outreaches in local communities, and mentoring new veterinary graduates. In addition, Dr. Quam served alongside other missionaries on campus in leading a Bible study, student home church, campus movie outreaches and a witnessing training/discipleship program for students called Acts 29.  As part of Acts 29, she also took students on missions outreaches to other areas of South Africa and to Lesotho.

Dr Quam has now returned to the US and is pursuing a 3-year residency in veterinary dermatology.  After finishing, she hopes to return to Africa in shorter installments to teach veterinary dermatology at veterinary collages and as part of continuing education platforms.  She also plans to remain involved with CVM through speaking at Short Course, Real Life Real Impact, and other venues.

My Partner

Dr. Quam served with North-West Univeristy in Mahikeng, South Africa.

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