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West Africa

Ghana - Veterinary School/Students
Teach subjects or clinical medicine with practice management while mentoring vet students. Help establish new program to impact the nation. Take students on outreach into countryside. Coordinate short term vets and teach Continuing Education as a witness.

Term | 1-3 years or more
Language | English

Liberia - Veterinary Work
Use your veterinary skills to build livestock support for orphanage and school. Pigs, goats, chickens. Help teach in the school. Train people in animal care, driving a car, and more.

Term | 3 years
Language | English

Nigeria - Veterinary Work
Fulani (10-13 million nomads spread over 17 regions) – Contribute to the development of a Fulani church through your veterinary skills. You and your family join a team already having national-wide impact through “Farming God’s Way” rotational grazing and Bible based schools.

Term | 3 years
Language | English, Fulfulbe